Wilmington Rugby now has 3 Youth Rugby programs!
For more information about the Colts, Raptors, and Rookie Rugby programs,
click the banner above!
WRFU Spring 2024 Events
Come support Wilmington Rugby by running the Rugby Delaware 5k!
All proceeds go to support Rugby in Delaware, including the Wilmington Colts, Raptors, and Rookie Rugby programs.
The Rugby Delaware 5k will be held on Saturday, March 2nd at 10:00AM in Trolley Square, Wilmington, DE
To register or obtain more information, please click the link below!
Want to check out a game?
Check out our Spring Match Schedule by clicking the link below!
Join Now!
Feeling bored with your current life and want to spice things up?
Or maybe you just want to hit someone without going to prison?
Consider picking up rugby!
No rugby experience is needed to join; we will teach you everything you need to know.
CLICK HERE and fill out the interest form and we will contact you to answer any questions you may have.

USA Rugby Registration (CIPP)
USA Rugby has (again) adopted a new registration platform called RugbyXplorer. Please register through this link. Search under Senior Club and Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby, then you will find “Wilmington RFC” (Men) and “Wilmington WRFC” (Women). All participants must be registered with USA Rugby to participate in any club-sanctioned training sessions. Anyone playing in a match must be properly registered as a player and for the correct club.
Club Dues
Team dues are what keep the club operating throughout the season; without them the team could not exist.
All players are expected to pay dues: Fall and Spring dues are $175 each, and $125 for students.
Dues can be paid online via Credit Card or PayPal using the Payments link (also found in the navigation bar) or by Check to the team treasurer at practice.
Wilmington Colts Return to Play
The Wilmington Colts, WRFU's High School level boy's team has resumed practices while adhering to local youth rugby return to play guidelines. Please see more information regarding practice times/locations our Youth Rugby page.
WRFU is now on Amazon Smile!
You can now support Wilmington Rugby every time you shop on amazon.com! Use this link when shopping so that you can designate WRFU as your supported organization and Amazon will donate a small percentage of your purchase to the club!
Women's Team Formation
Wilmington Rugby Football Union, located in Wilmington, Delaware is pleased to announce the formation of a Women's team, beginning with a 15s side for friendlies in Fall 2018, now beginning D3 competition in Fall 2019.
If interested, please email either womenscaptain@wilmingtonrugby.com or exec@wilmingtonrugby.com.
About Us
We are a Division III Men’s and Women’s Rugby Club from Wilmington, Delaware competing in the Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union. Feel free to continue browsing the site to learn more about the team, or just stop by a practice or game to experience our rugby community first-hand. If you are interested in playing or learning more about rugby, please reach out!